It didn%26#039;t show me anything..but that they do it because they think they should?
How many flowers did you get that never meant a thing?
Reply:Once in a lifetime, and that was years ago when I was in my teens. But, now I recieve them with lots of love. Because they really men alot. Never say from this water i%26#039;m not going to drink. Because there will come a time in your life that someone very special to you will send you flowers and you are going to appreciate them. Take care and God BLess.
Reply:None, I think. I believe that every time I was given flowers was for a special reason. Personally, I%26#039;m such a dork that I requested my (ex)husband stop giving me roses and plant a rose bush so that I could see them all the time.
Reply:none.books authors
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