How do I sell fake floral arrangements?
You could do the craft stalls ect as already suggested, but the best thing to do would be get your own website. There are ecommerce place like ect that you can sell on that do not charge to much. I am very lucky that my friends husband works it IT and has done me my website for free. I would not have it otherwise because i could not afford it. I also go through It was free to start with but now they charge a monthly fee. I am not sure what your budget is, so do check out as it is a really good site to build your own website and it is very easy.
Well i hope this has helped you a little and if you need anymore advice you can email me at my website. Have fun From Kim @ Kim T Designs
Reply:have you tried ebay?
Reply:That is great! Around this time of the year, there are lots of cities or civic groups who have boutiques or craft faires. Think about going outside of your own city when checking. Most times there is a fee to set up a booth. Also, craft shops will sell your arrangements on consignment. Don%26#039;t use the word fake, but silk flower arrangements. If you have friends that do crafts, you could do a boutque in house. Fix it up like a store. Tag items so you know who gets the profit from that item. That can be done with flyers. Maybe, high schoolers can pass them out for a small fee. This is right up my alley. Good Luck!loan
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